Friday, April 9, 2010

Artists Assignment

Artist: Diane Arbus
1. What type of photography is it?
I would consider it to be art. The way Diane takes the pictures gives them some sort of life and brings emotion and feeling into the picture.

2. What is the intent of the photograph?
To convey that everyone has a different and strange side to them, even if it's not on the surface.

3. What emphasis is on the photograph?
Black and white. I think that this picture wouldnt be as interesting at all if it was in color. In black and white you notice the mans expression before you notice his tattoos.
4. Are graphic elements such as tone line and perspective important?

What part of the photo do you look at first? Does your eye move around the photo?

Tone is important in this photo, as it defines the man and sets him apart from the background. The first thing i noticed in the picture was the man's face and his expression. my eyes moved around the piture, but only the top half.

5. What emotional impact does this photo invoke?

For me, this photo makes me feel happy. I actually feel how this man seems to feel. it makes me happy that he's so content with a life that most people would hate.

6. Diane switched from a 35mm Nikon camera which produced grainy rectangular images to a twin-lens reflex Rolleiflex camera which produced more detailed square images.

7. She took black and white pictures.

Other photographers, Jim Zuckerman, Carol Popp de Szathmari, Mark Klett.

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